Total Holistic Health Consultation

Each client of Living Wisdom Academy is treated as a unique individual with a personal history including lifestyle, environment, diet and desire to heal.

During this holistic health consultation, Dr. Liana Nenacheva will uniquely incorporate a wide range of her knowledge and skills in Western, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nutrition Therapy, Yoga and Yoga Therapy.

This knowledge gives her a wide range of tools to work with the entire system of an individual. With the knowledge of the Western Medicine she can make a total image of your physiological body, including structural and anatomical problems and movement limitations.

Through diagnosis of your pulse, tongue, face, body, speaking mannerisms and observation of your energy flow doctor Nenacheva finds out the underlying imbalances in your energetic system.

Liana also will discuss with you your Diet, Movement and Lifestyle. Together, you will search for underlying imbalances in your energetic system.

Dr. Liana will help you to understand the cause of your injuries and work with you to find effective solutions. For those, who have never practiced yoga Dr. Liana will construct a personal program to improve physical, mental and emotional conditions.


US$80, duration – 1 hr

*subject to 10% government tax